Oh no!

Articles I wanted to read this week #03


Not read yet

  1. Building an accessible theme picker with HTML, CSS and JavaScript by Sarah L. Fossheim (open in new tab)

  2. WCAG 2.2 explainers (open in new tab)

  3. getting started with css container queries (open in new tab)

  4. Components (open in new tab)

  5. Use the accessibility shortcuts on iOS to speed up your testing workflow by Eric Eggert

from the week before

  1. Why Aren’t Disabled Astronauts Exploring Space? (open in new tab)

  2. Building out a fancy 404 page (open in new tab)

  3. Accessible Palette: stop using HSL for color systems by Eugene Fedorenko (open in new tab)

  4. Lost in Translation: Tips for Multilingual Web Accessibility by Ben Myers (open in new tab)

  5. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Accessibility Research Symposium 2023 (open in new tab)

Thanks for reading this

If you want to discuss this article, feel free to reach out to me (the link opens a new tab). I'd be happy to hear from you.

