Oh no!

So I decided to write at least 100 words per day

Yep, I Decided To Do This! Here Is Why.

First of all, I personally think writing is good for me, and with my old friend, dyslexia, it's particularly both fun and challenging to do. The mere idea of writing a short article is potentially something that will make me proud of myself. What's wrong with that, right? I'm always looking for tips to boost my self-esteem.

Secondly, I came across this article on holiday, which made me want to try it.

Finally, I must admit that for a long time now, I have had the ambition to write a small book or a novel because I have a few imaginary stories in my head I want to share.

Just like that I wrote 118 words on Friday.

The Challenge Rules:

Why not 500 words per day, like in the "writing habit" article?

Because I’d rather reach my goal than fail and lose motivation. It's hard to find time in my busy schedule, so 100 words feel manageable. Once writing becomes a habit, I can always increase the goal!

It's Been Two Weeks Since I Started:

Two weeks isn’t enough to fully establish a habit, but I can say the first week went really well (my motivation was high). But as soon as the weekend arrived, I couldn’t seem to find the time to sit down and write anything.

The second week was harder. I felt guilty for missing my writing over the weekend, and as a result, I lost my motivation and shifted all my focus to work... But now it’s the end of the week again, and I’m trying to find a second wind and start writing again!

Just like that I wrote 184 words on Saturday.

Thanks for reading this

If you want to discuss this article, feel free to reach out to me (the link opens a new tab). I'd be happy to hear from you.

